New Year Resolutions. This topic presents itself to me every single year.
Ringing in the new year after an awful 2020; filled with bushfires and Covid19, had me thinking to myself – What is the point of New Year’s Resolutions?
Prior to 2021, I religiously used my resolutions to set my intentions for the year. Always including the same – lose weight, save money, try something new, travel, give up chocolate (as if I ever could) etc.
I would then break these resolutions down into monthly and weekly goals and tasks which makes success a more manageable achievement.
Planning for success?
A couple of year’s ago, I invested in Leonie Dawson’s Goal Getter planners for both life and business. She offers other products too but I was focused on the planners*.
I really enjoy the layout of the books as they set your intentions for the year from what books you would like to read to your top 100 bucket list items. The first year I bought them I set a monthly calendar reminder to check in and remind myself what I wanted to accomplish for the year. I think I checked in twice last year, but it is important to check in if you want to stay on top of the things you want to complete.
Alongside the Leonie planners, I also use a daily/weekly diary.
Three years ago, I spent ages (literally weeks) researching the perfect daily/weekly planner for me. For the last three years I have purchased the CEO of my life planner by Ella Iconic*.
The Ella Iconic’s planner are quite expensive so I only purchase them in the Black Friday sales. I found I related to their layout more than any other planner I came across. I like that the month is set out as a double page spread overview in addition to the daily/weekly pages. I also really like the habit charts and financial planning aspect. If I could change anything about this planner, it would be to add more notes pages at the end.
2021 New Year Resolutions?
Looking back over 2020, while we may have been quarantined, isolating or simply not able to spend time with our loved ones because of distance, I have come to realize that 2020 is the year to make everyone appreciate all the little things we previously took for granted.
Living so far away from my parents and siblings, I have travelled back to Ireland almost every year. The longest period I haven’t been back to Ireland since arriving in Australia is 18 months. I think this year will trump that. I don’t foresee any unnecessary international travel happening.
My main take away from 2020 is to live for the moment and appreciate what I have. I want to make the most of 2021 but I have made he decision not to tie specific goals to the year – so no new year resolutions for me.
While I am using my planner and goal setting workbooks, I haven’t set any specific resolutions other than to roll with the punches.
2021 I’m ready.
*not an ad or a gift. I genuinely paid for my products and like to use them to set and plan my goals and intentions.