You may or may not have noticed that for the past few months in my ‘What I Wore’ posts, I’ve had a little pink bracelet on. It’s actually a FITBIT.
I’ve been pretty lazy in Oz, with regards to my fitness, which is so disappointing. I was really fit in Ireland and used to walk about 5km a day into the City Centre and back out to Harold’s Cross AND I went to the gym at least 3 times a week.
Now, I’m all for loving your body and love my curves but I’m on a bit of a mission to get back to my previous body size which was a 8-10. I’m a member of Genesis, which is a local gym here, but since my car accident, I can’t really go to the gym to do anything apart from walking so I bought a FITBIT watch to track how many steps I’m taking each day. It’s actually a little scary because I was convinced I was taking A LOT more steps than I actually have been.
I’m sitting down pretty much all day, and was coming out with about 3 – 4,000 so buying my FITBIT has actually encouraged me to take more steps, which is a good thing. The watch sets a daily challenge of 10,000 steps, which I’ve completed a grand total of 4 times in the time I’ve had it. Every 2 thousand, a light pops up on the watch, so at the end of the day, you should have 5 blue lights lit up on the face of the watch. So this can only be a good thing for my fitness levels. I’m so much more aware of the amount of steps I’m taking that it must be some kind of miracle. If I’m sitting down in my office, I’m now so much more aware that I need to get up and do some steps and get my body moving!
The other great things this watch does is it tracks your sleep so you can see, using their app, how many times you were restless during the night or even woke up. You can also enter the amount of water you’re drinking or food you’ve eaten.
I bought my FITBIT in Harvey Norman for $126, but I’m pretty sure that you can buy them in most electrical stores or directly from the company online.
One annoying thing, I’ve found about the watch is that, after a month, it’s starting to look a little worn around the edges. It’s not a massive issue because you can change the strap to a new one.