(Teddy's outfit is from Kmart) EASTER UPDATE First off - HAPPY EASTER - I hope the Easter Bunny has been good to you! You may have noticed that I haven't been posting at all over the past few ... READ the POST
Weightloss: Want to lose weight? Try Changing Habits
Weightloss with Changing Habits Weightloss with Changing Habits: If you have been reading Love Niamh for a while, you will know that in 2014 I was in a car accident. Following the ... READ the POST
Book Review: The Romance Reader’s Guide to Life
Book Review: The Romance Reader's Guide to Life I was recently sent the press release for the The Romance Reader's Guide to Life. I actually requested a review copy as I loved the idea of ... READ the POST
Kim Kardashian Hair: Olaplex No 3 and Rodin by Recine Hair Oil
So I read on Hello Giggles last year that Kim Kardashian swears by using Olaplex No 3 weekly as a hair treatment and applies Rodin by Recine hair oil daily. If it's good enough for ... READ the POST
It is no secret that I love to travel. I'm fortunate that I have always been able to travel with my parents and brothers. We have been lucky to explore Cuba, the Maldives, Kenya, Egypt and so many ... READ the POST
Why I decided to give blood
Giving Blood I am not a big fan of needles. Working up the courage to donate is hard when you don't like needles. Let me tell you! I have wanted to donate blood for years! I think it is one of the ... READ the POST